The Pinkest Holiday of All

I seem to be writing a lot about musical interests lately…so continuing that trend I would like to reference one of my all-time favorite songs, Head Over Feet by Alanis Morrisette. 

Alanis and I were actually born on the same day and I like to think that we have the same sarcastic, but semi-funny outlook on life. And, much like her, I have become more positive in recent years…

Anyway, today I wanted to talk about coupling. It’s almost Valentine’s Day and I finally have a reason to write about the pinkest holiday around. 

Last weekend my husband went to New York to visit his friend. It was during that time that I realized how weird it would be to be single. I really respect singles. In fact, I have always said if my spouse passed away or we divorced, I wouldn’t go through the dating scene again. I hear stories and they are far too scary…no thanks!

What I’m trying to say is, being in a couple is comfortable. If it’s the right couple. 

For those who don’t know, I have been with my husband for almost 14 years (married for almost 6) and I am not lying when I say that strange, fabulous man is my best friend. So, when he left for the weekend, (something that virtually never happens) I felt kind of lost.

Don’t get me wrong, I got a lot done! I learned a new way to fold my laundry. I cleaned out a spare room. I went to see a friend. I did the grocery shopping. I cooked a meal. I did all the dishes. I cleaned out the bathroom closet. I planned things. I wrote. But…it just felt…like something was missing. 

For a long time, I didn’t understand how singles felt. I always assumed I would just be more career-focused if I were single. But upholding that standard for yourself is hard. Sure, you can be career-focused, but you may still have a gnawing ache inside knowing something is just…blank. 

You may not even realize it until it’s gone. 

I still uphold the idea that choosing the wrong individual to fill that hole is always the wrong choice, but I now really get why people try it anyway. They just want to find their fit. 

So to those singles out there this holiday…I am thinking of you. You will find that person. You deserve that person. And for now, know that you are just…amazing. Hold out and find the right one. It’s worth it. Even if you have to miss them sometimes.