Gillian Barnes

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It's Never Enough...

Is it just me or is the feeling of “it’s never enough” innate in all creatives? On a regular basis I find myself volunteering to climb new mountains even when I just finished the decent on a previous one…wheezing. For the most part, I appreciate this part of my personality, After all, it has served me well professionally! I have a vast array of skills that a typical BFA-toting Photographer wouldn’t have. I know many more people than most average artists. But…the dark side is that I am always stressed. In fact, I seem to live for it. 

Recently, I’ve been making an effort to change the way that I achieve my goals.

For instance, when inventing yet another project, I am trying to adopt the work smart, not hard, team-based approach. This is directly in opposition to the way I have worked historically. While I can work in teams, like many type A’s I tend to take the reins and go full-force toward a destination where I know success is waiting. But, what I have realized lately is that to truly recognize success is to enjoy the path you take and the people that help you get there. 

As such, mentoring and crowdsourcing have both become increasingly valuable to me this year. I’m now trying to foster a content community and do more teaching. 

Crowdsourced content is helping me create a network that gives back and increases the successes of others without putting anyone down or leaving people behind. 

And mentoring through teaching…this is a big area I am working on. When someone asks a question, I am trying to make an effort to be the resource they need without just giving them the answer. I am firmly in the camp that if one of us succeeds, we all succeed, but I also want to encourage curiosity and problem-solving. It’s an interesting tightrope walk. 

I know I will always want to scale mountains…but it’s really wonderful knowing I might be ascending with a team, and that the ropes I use may be able to be used again for future climbs.