Gillian Barnes

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Marketing Campaigns that Writers and Other Creatives Should Know About

There are a lot of commercials, ads and taglines out there. It’s actually a bit overwhelming. Our brains are literally full of information! In fact, there is so much data in our minds that we usually can’t process it all. Sadly, much of the well-intentioned marketing ends up as white noise. Zzzzzz. Bzzzzzz. Zzzzzzzzz.

So what makes a campaign stand out? Let’s go over some examples of ones that have cut through the noise…

“Missing Types” - American Red Cross

The Red Cross has an unparalleled cause. We all need blood to live, and most of us are capable of giving it to others. However, as it has been around for so long, those of us familiar with the organization tend to de-prioritize the importance of donating. Their most recent campaign, “Missing Types” capitalizes on the fact that blood types are vowels and removes them from their taglines, showing the impact visually.

The overarching statement is quite powerful: "Without blood types A, B and O, we can’t save anyone."

The supporting copy is perfect as well. With taglines such as: "M KE S ME NE WH LE G IN (Make Someone Whole Again)”, the writers expertly paired the concept of “missing” with their desired look and feel.

Tasteful. Clean. Impactful. Boom!

Check it out in more detail here.

"Male Body Positivity” - Hanes

Recently, brands like Torrid, Dove and ModCloth have been pushing the the idea of body positivity. But...those ads consistently focus on women. It makes sense as women outwardly tend to project more insecurities and they shop more, but men also feel insecure about their shapes and sizes! Hanes saw this and made an ad to support them. It was uplifting (a la a musical), it showed all types of men and it was quick and concise.

Congratulations to the branders who made video content (and lyrics) which are both original and meaningful.

Watch it below!

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“Bullying Jr.” - Burger King

Bullying is a major problem in our country and beyond. It's not new, but with the rise of share-ability via social media, it's everywhere. That concept is scary enough, but what's much worse is the bystander effect that occurs.

If you haven’t heard of the bystander effect, that's okay. Here's the Psychology Today definition:

"The bystander effect occurs when the presence of others discourages an individual from intervening in an emergency situation. The greater the number of bystanders, the less likely it is for any one of them to provide help to a person in distress. People are more likely to take action in a crisis when there are few or no other witnesses present."

Basically, it means that a sizable group of people is completely capable (and willing) to stand by and let bullies hurt others. Burger King took that concept, partnered with NO BULLY and made it seem absurd to avoid intervening. Which it is. I, as a person who doesn't ever eat at Burger King, became suddenly hungry for a burger.

Good job BK! Watch the video below and see for yourself.

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Wow. This campaign. I've lost count of the times I've referenced it. To me, it's the benchmark for responding to your clients in a genuine way.

So often brands avoid admitting their mistakes. KFC did the complete opposite and WOW, WOW, WOW did it work. Here's a piece of their ad copy:


A chicken restaurant without any chicken. It's not ideal."

Can you say brilliant, beyond stellar? I can! They didn't sugarcoat it at all. Instead, they used humor and honestly, and now the campaign is a case study for marketers everywhere.

Take a peek at the full page ad below (picture sourced from this article).


What do all of these ads have in common?


A defined purpose and audience.

A truly different idea.

They make a difference in the world.

That's marketing done right. That's what any marketer or writer who is trying to market themselves should aim for. Good luck out there and remember, be different works!