
My Quarantine Cycle by M. Hallrie

My Quarantine Cycle by M. Hallrie

The year 2020 started out as one of the best years of my life. I had a job I didn’t hate, I had a purpose, I had found a great guy, and the great Bill Withers was still alive. In late February, I got engaged and suddenly all eight of the last years of my life Pinteresting wedding decor (whether or not I was in a relationship) could almost be rationalized…almost. How was I to know that the timeless sapphire ring on my finger would open up a wormhole to the underworld, from which a whirling shit storm would come? Enter stage left, good ole’ Miss. Rona!

Canceled Plans, Breakdowns, and Empty Cheeto Bags: How My Life in Quarantine was an Exercise in Gratitude by Emma Vale (@EmmaValeWrites)

Canceled Plans, Breakdowns, and Empty Cheeto Bags: How My Life in Quarantine was an Exercise in Gratitude by Emma Vale (@EmmaValeWrites)

A global pandemic couldn’t have arrived at a worse time.

In the first half of the year alone, I’d had five different travel plans, two different sets of relatives were supposed to come into town, and I’d found a way to squeeze in a writing workshop.

Everything had its own neat little box. I’d found the money to pay for all the trips and hotels needed. This year, I would be literally globetrotting.