Small Thanks

Another Thanksgiving has come to a close, and here I sit, considering yet another cup of mulled cider, thinking, “how did it go by so quickly?”

We host Thanksgiving nearly every year (by we, I mean my husband and myself). Sometimes we host both Thanksgiving and Christmas (though we are not religious), but I would have to say that Thanksgiving is my personal favorite. I love it because for some reason, this holiday is oddly free of the drama that seems to come rushing in like an oddly icy wind from Old Man Winter. Christmas is exciting and filled with great memories, but lately, the pure act of being around my family and being thankful for them is absolutely perfect in and of itself.

And this year has been a great one for me. Some years, I do a day-by-day thankful list, but I forgot this time (it was a busy year…), so here it is–––28 thankful thoughts:

  1. I started a day job that I absolutely love (and intend to never leave).

  2. My husband read my work-in-progress book, and so far, he says it doesn’t totally suck!

  3. Adding on to number two, I finally have an idea of how I am going to fill the holes in the novel (I have been in a serious book-writing slump).

  4. I have a wonderful family.

  5. My pets are incredible (and in good health).

  6. I got to experience having an intern for the first time, and it was a totally excellent opportunity.

  7. I realized social media can really be personal if you work for the right brand of company.

  8. My husband and I are going to PAX East 2020, and I am ridiculously excited.

  9. I met some new friends and have kept the old ones (silver and gold!)

  10. I discovered an eating style I like that makes my body feel healthy.

  11. I am back playing (no shame) PokemonGo with my husband and friends. It rocks and no longer crashes.

  12. I got to go to JAPAN! Seriously–––I never thought in a millions years that I would be able to do that (and now I am planning to go back in 2021).

  13. This seems like a strange one, but since streaming is so popular now, they’re being forced to make some really solid original content. Loving the storytelling.

  14. My team at work is going to do a volunteer day in early December at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore, and I am so pumped.

  15. My stepmom introduced me to Whole Feet in Salisbury, Massachusetts. It is the best. Seriously. Go.

  16. I hosted a blogging initiative on my website (the website is new this year too!) and people actually were super awesome about participating (I also learned a lot from the various perspectives).

  17. After much debate, I finally got around to painting my bathroom, and it is now a lovely place for a long, hot bath.

  18. I’ve found at least ten truly bonkers finds at thrift stores this year including several mid-century pieces.

  19. I learned that you really can get anywhere from anywhere if you try consistently. I will leave this out there with no explanation…

  20. I finally feel somewhat okay with the idea of having a child (money, security, logistics-wise). It’s not like I’m going to start right away, but if it happens or if I want to begin that chapter, I feel like I might actually be able to offer something worthwhile.

  21. I live near the ocean, and it’s stunning (note to self: get outside more in 2021).

  22. Next year, I will get to journey to Colorado to see my husband’s grandmother for the first time ever, and will get to see my sister-in-law’s wedding to a lovely man.

  23. I now own a totally rad, Jawa (Star Wars-ish) coat for winter.

  24. While I still miss her, I got to hold my grandmother’s hand and say goodbye to her before she went off to join my grandfather somewhere in the hereafter.

  25. I made up several really tasty recipes that I am fairly certain I will be able to replicate!

  26. In general, I am just really thankful for tea, essential oil diffusers, music, Google Docs, my Neo2, and many other creature comforts.

  27. Oh. I finally saw John Wick and it was INSANE. Love (I know, very late to the party).

  28. And I’m thankful for small moments like this. I’m thankful for a lot, but these few, still moments where I can think and write…those are everything.

Thank YOU to anyone who reads my blogs. You should be number 29 on the list because I haven’t published since September…woops! Happy Thanksgiving!