Cleaning House

I’ve stripped my office at the agency twice now. The first time was incredibly painful. 

Today during a lull, I decided to get a jump on the inevitable. 

I emptied the drawers and lovingly packed up each piece. My wedding bouquet made from antique Japanese wallpaper. My nameplate from my time at Planet Fitness World Headquarters. The smiling pictures of my family and friends. My teas and coffee mixers. My photographs hung with expert precision on each wall. It took mere moments to box it all up!

Then I cleaned. I wiped down all the surfaces. I took out the trash. I let fresh air in. I prepared it for my leaving and the arrival of a new occupant.

But it didn’t hurt this time. I suppose I have been unconsciously expecting this move for a while. I’ve always wanted to work in Beverly (because I want to live there). I’ve always wanted to go back to school (which this career choice will allow me to do). And I’ve absolutely always wanted to be a part of an educational institution.

So it makes sense. I’m about to take a step toward something that may just be my destiny. And it feels good. Really good actually. 

This is the shortest blog I’ve ever written, but sometimes concise is just the right way to go about explaining large life decisions.