free writing

Ready to Grow

Ready to Grow

Being in Maine has been a strangely magical experience. For instance, often times when I eat lunch looking out toward the mountain range, there is no one for miles. In Massachusetts, that wouldn’t be possible, and if by rare occasion it was, it would feel lonely...or even threatening. Like someone might be lurking. Waiting. You are not alone in many places in Mass (there are exceptions, but those places are extremely expensive to live in or remote).

Tea and Potatoes

Tea and Potatoes

What is it about food that makes the majority of us nostalgic? 

I started my work day yesterday talking about tea with my coworker. She mentioned that as a regular tea-drinker, she prefers her tea without sweetener or milk. I tend to agree with that choice.

However, as I was working on another task, I got to thinking how very opposite my Grandmother would feel about that.