
What I've Learned From My Quarantine Life by M. Dalto (@MDalto421)

What I've Learned From My Quarantine Life by M. Dalto (@MDalto421)

The most ironic part of writing a blog post about writing during quarantine is that these words will be the most I’ve written in succession since our State of Emergency went into effect March 16, 2020.

But when Gillian asked me to contribute, who was I to say no to the opportunity to attempt to put my thoughts and feelings about how this pandemic has affected me not only emotionally but professionally. It was a blog post I had considered writing for myself when this was all said and done anyway, but since we don’t see an end in sight anytime soon and this opportunity arose, I suppose now is as good a time as any to lay it all out.

So here’s my real talk: I can’t write anymore.