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Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned

Lately, all I want to write about, directly and indirectly, is my daughter. This is one of those indirect times. Many Millennials like myself and my husband got a late start in life and are just now, in our mid to late thirties, starting families. Well, let me tell you…there are some things that none of the sentimental Mommy bloggers are going to tell you and they have helped me get my life back. Today, I’m going to share some of them with you so that you can feel (somewhat) in control post-birth.

Ready to Grow

Ready to Grow

Being in Maine has been a strangely magical experience. For instance, often times when I eat lunch looking out toward the mountain range, there is no one for miles. In Massachusetts, that wouldn’t be possible, and if by rare occasion it was, it would feel lonely...or even threatening. Like someone might be lurking. Waiting. You are not alone in many places in Mass (there are exceptions, but those places are extremely expensive to live in or remote).

She’s Too Emotional

She’s Too Emotional

Have you all finished watching the Youtube (now on Netflix) Cobra Kai series? Personally, I main-lined it in two days. It’s excellent, but that’s not the point here.

Post-watch (cough, cough: binge), I was left thinking about how emotional the four male leads were. Johnny Lawrence and Daniel LaRusso, as well as Miguel Diaz and Robby Keane. Sure, there were two main females with talented supporting females as well, but the main story is about these four. Four wildly emotional, unpredictable men.

Never Tell Me the Odds

Never Tell Me the Odds

There are a lot of motivational quotes out there, but here’s one that doesn’t get enough love:

“Never tell me the odds.” —Han Solo

The man is saying it while he is flying into an astroid field. He admits he is in trouble, but uses the logic that his opponents would be crazy to follow him. He trusts his skills and jumps to hyper-speed. BALLER.

What I Learned About Life from Hot Sauce

What I Learned About Life from Hot Sauce

Last week into the beginning of this one I took an extended weekend away in New Orleans with some girlfriends. Those who know me both professionally and…well, I don’t want to say “unprofessionally,” but let’s go with “off the clock,” know that I am structured. Steadfast. Calculated. Those terms make a lot of sense as I am at my core a strategist.

I’ve even been likened to a cartoon hedgehog by artist Ally Burgerieres with the words WORK WORK WORK WORK WORK! on it…