Alright. This is going to come off as a rant, though it absolutely isn’t the intention of the piece...
…here’s the punchline: you have to pay artists!
Is it just me or is the feeling of “it’s never enough” innate in all creatives? On a regular basis I find myself volunteering to climb new mountains even when I just finished the decent on a previous one…wheezing. For the most part, I appreciate this part of my personality, After all, it has served me well professionally! I have a vast array of skills that a typical BFA-toting Photographer wouldn’t have. I know many more people than most average artists. But…the dark side is that I am always stressed. In fact, I seem to live for it.
Recently, I’ve been making an effort to change the way that I achieve my goals.
April is coming up quickly, so I wanted to take some time to talk about my upcoming guest blogging project, #GBWritesWithOthers. This project, which was original inspired by the #GuestBloggerProject that Esther Hofknecht Curtis, MSM-HCA ran, is an effort to build a real, valuable blogging community and cross-sharing network of writers.
I wrote about happiness in the moment the other day and today, I plan to delve into how to actually get there.
Being happy in the moment is difficult, especially for overthinking, OCD-planning oddballs like moi. But! I have noticed some patterns that have led me to at least achieve this small win on a more regular basis.
I seem to be writing a lot about musical interests lately…so continuing that trend I would like to reference one of my all-time favorite songs, Head Over Feet by Alanis Morrisette.
Alanis and I were actually born on the same day and I like to think that we have the same sarcastic, but semi-funny outlook on life. And, much like her, I have become more positive in recent years…
All last week I was thinking about how I had no interest in driving to Manchester. I went to college there and I don’t have much love for that city…
That being said, my best friend just moved there and I would go anywhere for that lady, so I went!
But this story isn’t about Manchester or my friend; it’s about simple pleasures and living in the present.
It’s funny. I’ve been really finding myself attracted to waltzes lately.
In the past, and still mostly in the current, my taste in music has been largely nostalgic. 90’s punk and alternative blaring out of my windows as I am driving to work. Screaming that, “I want to be the minority” or that, “Scotty doesn’t know...”
Self-love has to be the most widely used buzz term of 2018 and it seems to be making a play to stay on top for 2019 as well.
I am in no way hating on self-love. I fully support regular massage, chiropractic appointments, bubble baths…whatever you need to be your best self.
However, I wonder if many of us who are practicing self-love really believe in loving ourselves?
What is it about food that makes the majority of us nostalgic?
I started my work day yesterday talking about tea with my coworker. She mentioned that as a regular tea-drinker, she prefers her tea without sweetener or milk. I tend to agree with that choice.
However, as I was working on another task, I got to thinking how very opposite my Grandmother would feel about that.