It's Never Enough...

It's Never Enough...

Is it just me or is the feeling of “it’s never enough” innate in all creatives? On a regular basis I find myself volunteering to climb new mountains even when I just finished the decent on a previous one…wheezing. For the most part, I appreciate this part of my personality, After all, it has served me well professionally! I have a vast array of skills that a typical BFA-toting Photographer wouldn’t have. I know many more people than most average artists. But…the dark side is that I am always stressed. In fact, I seem to live for it. 

Recently, I’ve been making an effort to change the way that I achieve my goals.

The Pinkest Holiday of All

The Pinkest Holiday of All

I seem to be writing a lot about musical interests lately…so continuing that trend I would like to reference one of my all-time favorite songs, Head Over Feet by Alanis Morrisette. 

Alanis and I were actually born on the same day and I like to think that we have the same sarcastic, but semi-funny outlook on life. And, much like her, I have become more positive in recent years…

The Drive

The Drive

All last week I was thinking about how I had no interest in driving to Manchester. I went to college there and I don’t have much love for that city…

That being said, my best friend just moved there and I would go anywhere for that lady, so I went!

But this story isn’t about Manchester or my friend; it’s about simple pleasures and living in the present. 

Tea and Potatoes

Tea and Potatoes

What is it about food that makes the majority of us nostalgic? 

I started my work day yesterday talking about tea with my coworker. She mentioned that as a regular tea-drinker, she prefers her tea without sweetener or milk. I tend to agree with that choice.

However, as I was working on another task, I got to thinking how very opposite my Grandmother would feel about that.