
The Unexpected Benefits of Giving Yourself Allowances by Rosemary Poppe (@RosemaryPoppe)

The Unexpected Benefits of Giving Yourself Allowances by Rosemary Poppe (@RosemaryPoppe)

What have I learned from quarantine? One thing this experience has made me realize is, just how tired I was. I have always been someone who rises with the sun and packs as much into a day as is possible. However, with fewer constraints on my time, I am starting to understand why people sleep in. I never understood it before, but I get it now. Naps—I still don’t get those—but there’s time.

Learning How to Give Myself Permission to Relax by Erica Robyn (@ericarobyn)

Learning How to Give Myself Permission to Relax by Erica Robyn (@ericarobyn)

Right before COVID-19 hit the state of New Hampshire, I had been working with my therapist to focus on giving myself permission to relax. Typing that out, it seems so silly… Who doesn’t enjoy relaxing, right?

Well, for as long as I can remember, I’ve always been the type of person to go-go-go. It’s so odd. While I am entirely capable of being patient when I need to be, I also really struggle with slowing down and taking time for myself.